Longhorn Legislative Aide Agency of Student Government
Please Do **NOT** Request Membership through HornsLink! If you would like to stay connected, please follow us on instagram (@utsg_lla)! Current Directors: Jet Tran, jetvtran3@gmail.com Kayla Pearl, kaylapearl14@icloud.com LLA's Mission: Longhorn Legislative Aide is a first-year leadership agency within student government designed to develop the University of Texas's future leaders. LLAs are an active group of twenty interns that provide feedback and help author resolutions to issues across campus while working closely with the Student Government Executive Board, Assembly, and other agencies. LLAs will understand what it means to be a longhorn by focusing on the UT core values of Learning, Leadership, and Responsibility. LLA strives to create an environment for students to grow by learning from not only hands on experience but also one another. LLA aims to fully equip students for leadership in the future. LLA becomes a community for the members to support each other and those around them in any endeavor. Join the famiLLAy as soon as you get to UT!