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College Club Logo (Longhorn Powerlifting)
Longhorn Powerlifting
Longhorn Powerlifting is a family that supports each other's goals inside and outside of the weight room. We are a nationally competitive team that promotes strength, academic success, and mental health! We are STUDENT athletes. 
This is a student run organization but we also have amazing coaches that help us succeed. We compete in local meets in the San Antonio and Houston areas in the fall, as well as at Collegiate Nationals in the spring. 
This is a sport in which lifters compete in weight classes within raw and equipped divisions; we value ALL of our lifers and accept beginners. We have a tryout process that is held every Fall to recruit strong minded UT students to join our growing team. 
Check out our website and follow us on our social media!
General members : Members : ###
 /  Board members :  /  Board : ###
Contact : utlonghornpowerlifting@gmail.com
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Keywords :
# social
# Special Interest
# Recreational
# educational