National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) On Campus at University of Texas at Austin
Since the fall of 2016, we have been working to advocate for mental health and end the stigma against mental illness on campus and in our community. Together we can be the difference. Check out our group me, which is the best way to see updated announcements and events on the schedule. How to be an active member and be eligible for an officer position: - Pay $10 dues by the third meeting you attend - Miss no more than two meetings a semester- Volunteer at least once a semester- Attend at least one social a semester- Substitute any of the above by writing a blog post **By completing each objective above, you will be rewarded points. ~ FALL 2023 MEETINGS ~Location: JGB 2.218Time: 5:30-7:00 PM Every Other Thursday Meeting Dates and Topics:
Info Session
Fun Before Finals!
~ Spring 2023 SUPPORT GROUP MEETINGS ~Location: TBDTime: TBD Officers
President - Chandni Bhagtaney Vice President - Ines Caetano Membership Manager - Turya Polisety Public Relations - Christabel Ugwuoke Internal Events Coordinator - Sowmya Sridhar External Events Coordinator -Afrah Shaik
Healthy Student Organization Program (HSOP) - Gold Tier (2019-2020) (2020-2021) (2021-2022). Bronze Tier (2022-2023) Get connected here! Help shape our meetings:
*DISCLAIMER: We are not affiliated with UT's CMHC, nor are we qualified to provide counseling services. This is a group dedicated to advocacy and support. We are not a substitute for seeking professional help. With that said, we can help you find professional help if you need it, and joining our organization is an excellent way to get started on your journey to recovery or surround yourself with an accepting community of friends who will listen.