Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity, Inc. is based on cultural understanding and wisdom. We believe in the principles of fairness, opportunity, and in the equality of all men no matter their race, culture, or ethnicity. Our biggest goal is to see that all of society can realize the importance of these principles. To achieve this goal we all strive to model these behaviors and present ourselves in a gentlemanly and educated fashion. Year after year, the Eta Alpha chapter of Sigma Lambda Beta at the University of Texas produces countless leaders and brothers who go on to change the world, as well as countless hours committed to scholarship, community service, and cultural awareness as well as proving a home away home. Membership: Our membership is open to all male students, who are enrolled full-time and are in good standing with the university. Functions: Activities & Events include: Dia De Los Muertos, Battle of the Betas Sports Competition, Haskell Street Halloween Block Party, Cesar Chavez street clean up through Keep Austin Beautiful, Parents Weekend, CPR Awareness Day, SLB State & National Events, Cultural Awareness Lecture Series, National and Chapter Founders Week, Famous Purple and White Stroll Competition, Mixers with other Greek - Lettered Organizations, Annual Formal.