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College Club Logo (Students Expanding Austin Literacy)
Students Expanding Austin Literacy
Community Service & Volunteering
Students Expanding Austin Literacy (SEAL) is a University of Texas student service organization that helps kids dive into reading. SEAL Reading Buddies are matched with their own elementary school student, and serve as semester-long reading buddies and mentors. Our goal is simple: to help our kids fall in love with reading. If you are a UT student, love kids, and enjoy children's books, then SEAL is for you!
Since consistency is crucial to developing a strong relationship, all SEAL members commit to volunteering one hour each week. Members sign up for a weekly (Monday - Friday) one-hour time slots that they are available for consistently Many times are offered to accommodate your busy schedules, and carpool groups are arranged for transportation.
Visit our website for more info on our organization and how to stay updated! - www.readwithseal.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SEALaustin National Chapter Website: https://www.readwithseal.com/
Twitter: @seal_utInstagram: @seal_ut
General members : Members : ###
 /  Board members :  /  Board : ###
Contact : seal.literacy@gmail.com
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Keywords :
# Service and Philanthropy
# social
# educational