About: 我們是一個致力於提供在 UT Austin 的學生們交流與互動的學生團體,我們是在 UT 唯一以說中文為主的 Undergraduate 團體,海峽兩岸甚至是對台灣文化有興趣的朋友們都非常的歡迎,就是希望在這陌生的大學環境中帶給大家有家鄉的溫暖。 TiSA is a social organization dedicated to providing a sense of home and belonging for ethnic Taiwanese and Mandarin-speaking students and those interested in Taiwanese culture. In particular, we strive to provide support for newly arrived international students from Taiwan. BUT! That is only in particular! Not Taiwanese? Can’t speak Mandarin? Not a problem, because everyone is welcome to join TiSA! Our officers and members are very friendly and helpful, so come to our general meetings and make new friends! Join Us: 想加入TiSA 嗎?想得到TiSA 最新的消息活動嗎?只要填寫我們的 TiSA Interest Form 以及追蹤我們的 Instagram Page,就可以收到我們每週定期發送的新消息唷! Interested in joining TiSA? Want to receive constant updates on our endless fun and activities? Please fill out our TiSA Interest Form and follow our Instagram Page to be notified and contacted for all our events and socials and receive our weekly newsletters! Here are some past pictures and videos of the TiSA experience!