Texas Guadaloop is a diverse group of men and women from UT Austin disrupting modern transportation with hyperloop technology. Similar to a bullet train, hyperloop is a fully electric transportation system that reaches blistering speeds by reducing air resistance and friction. Winning two SpaceX Innovation Awards in the process, Texas Guadaloop has designed, built, tested, and showcased hyperloop pods that levitate utilizing state-of-the-art air-bearing technology. Through engineering innovations, public advocacy, and international collaboration, Texas Guadaloop seeks to advance transportation towards a faster, cheaper, and more sustainable future. This year, Texas Guadaloop is taking hyperloop technology to new heights. We are completely transforming our old pod by incorporating cutting-edge innovations like linear induction motors, magnetic levitation, and regenerative braking. We will be competing in the Netherlands in the Summer of 2022 to showcase our technology to the world. No university team in the world has ever demonstrated a pod with our planned features. We’re ready to burst onto the world stage, guns blazing, Texas-style. But we aren’t just an engineering team, we’re a movement. That means we need talent from all fields! We need business people to make tactical decisions to propel our team even farther onto the world stage. We need writers to communicate our vision with the world and to help build relationships with university and corporate partners. We need artists, designers, and filmmakers to transform societal conceptions about hyperloop. Wherever you come from, and whatever you do, we need you. We build the future. Welcome to Texas Guadaloop.