Our mission is to foster a dedicated student community committed to practical public service, organizing students to volunteer and fundraise for local Austin nonprofits assisting the homeless. We aim to address service gaps and contribute meaningful solutions to the challenges faced by selected nonprofits, building a strong network of students passionate about making a tangible impact in our community. By staying closely connected with frontline organizations, we aim to support their efforts to provide shelter, food, and clean clothing to the unhoused, helping make Austin a city that addresses homelessness with compassionate, thoughtful solutions. The organizations we will be working with include Keep Austin Fed, The Other Ones Foundation, and Mission Accomplished. Through these efforts, students are encouraged to focus on developing the skills they want to build—such as leadership, communication, and problem-solving—while contributing to the greater purpose of helping to mitigate homelessness in Austin. By aligning their personal growth with meaningful social impact, they gain hands-on experience that prepares them for their careers, empowers them to grow as future leaders, and allows them to make a tangible difference in their community.