Our primary focus centers on providing significant and innovative contributions to U.S. and international intellectual property law. We are sponsored by the IP Section of the State Bar of Texas. We have the largest subscription base of all law journals published through The University of Texas, and we provide positive revenue to UT through publication royalties. Articles appearing in the Journal focus on cutting edge, substantive legal issues and recent developments of interest to our practitioner and academic subscribers in the areas of Patent, Copyright, Trademark, Unfair Competition, and Trade Secret law, as well as other areas of law in the context of IP (e.g., constitutional, contracts, antitrust, criminal, torts, international, M&A, corporate, administrative law). TIPLJ also publishes articles concerning issues arising in IP litigation and practice before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, state, and federal courts. Articles submitted for publication in the Journal are written by academicians, practitioners, and students from around the world.