We train in Olympic-style Taekwondo sparring and compete at regional, state, and national tournaments in both the collegiate and open categories, including the National Collegiate Taekwondo Association's annual Championships, a USA Olympic Taekwondo endorsed event (in which we are 3x back-to-back national champions!).Practice is open to anyone regardless of martial arts experience; beginners are not only welcome but encouraged to join - historically, over half of the incoming club members have never done Taekwondo before. Feel free to drop by anytime in workout clothes! Those interested should look for us at the Party on the Plaza student organization fair (for Open House, announced on our website and Facebook page or just drop in anytime during the semester for a physically and mentally rewarding experience. After the first three free practices for the fall and spring semesters, we will hold regular practices for members in RSC 1.138 at these times:
Visit our website at http://utexastaekwondo.com/ Like us on Instagram at http://www.Instagram.com/TexasTaekwondo. Contact us at texastaekwondo@gmail.com Gold Award holder of the Healthy Student Organization Program. Texas Fight!