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College Club Logo (The Negative Emissions Technology Project at UT Austin)
The Negative Emissions Technology Project at UT Austin
Founded in 2019, the NET Project was created just as the field of negative emission technologies were becoming more widespread. This has allowed the organization to create a community that fosters innovation, curiosity, and ingenuity. 
As an organization, we have three goals:
1) Connect: 
We want our members to connect with several different partner organizations, companies*, and schools; the NET Project provides students with a community of experts and professionals who specialize in Carbon Removal. 
2) Create: 
Work with us on any of our projects, all focused on creating tangible actions to further the feasibility of different NET pathways while actively removing some of our globe's emissions. Our three subprojects right now are the policy project, the direct air capture project, and the entrepreneurship project.  Respectively the projects are: creating local policy awareness for NETs (advocating for the integration of CCUS (carbon capture utilization and storage) into UT's power plant), designing a modular direct air CO2 capture system, to be integrated into greenhouses eventually, and educating members on how to approach starting a sustainable business. 
3) Educate: 
Every general meeting, NET Project hosts presentations by different brilliant experts in the NET space to reach out to and educate as many people as possible about the need and potential for NETs.  From scrappy original startups, to powerful government lobbyists for NETs, we hear the ins and outs of how NETs are functioning and growing into a mature industry in the world, and how they will change the world. 
If you're interested in joining: 
     1. Hop onto our website here! This should take you to our website (netprojectaustin.com) where you can join our mailing list, Slack, and Box.
     2. Follow us on Instagram. We post social recaps, our member's nature pictures, and meeting reminders!
     3. Join us at our next General Meeting! This is a great way to learn more about what we do and meet some pretty awesome people who are incredibly passionate about what they do. No prior knowledge or experience is needed, everyone is welcome!
We hope to see you soon! 
*Companies will not be soliciting opportunities or sponsoring the organization, their purpose is entirely educational.
General members : Members : ###
 /  Board members :  /  Board : ###
Contact : netprojectaustin@gmail.com
Checkbox (selected) Preferred Skills :
Keywords :
# Service and Philanthropy
# Academic
# art
# Pre - professional
# Ideology and Politics
# educational
# social
# Student Governance