ONE big day. ONE great community. ONE enormous impact. WHAT IS THE PROJECT? The goal of the Project is to provide an opportunity for the UT community to volunteer together, make an impact, and most importantly, connect with underserved neighborhoods in Austin. By acting as a unified student body, we are able to share our energy, resources, and passion for service with the community, resulting in a tangible impacts within the area and in the hearts we touch. The Project is UT's largest day of organized service in which approximately 15-20 different sites, each with unique activities, are assisted and beautified. Examples of the tasks we complete include are planting, mulching, painting buildings, painting murals, and building fences. The Project was founded in 1999 with the hope of helping the Austin communities around us. Annually, over 1000 volunteers and staff members volunteer during Project Day, and the monetary impact created on Project Day is estimated to be over $295,000. It has become a tradition for Longhorns to participate in The Project at least once during their undergraduate college career. In fact, the impact was so great that even alumni continue to volunteer through Project Worldwide, an initiative of Texas Exes. For more information about The Project, visit our website at