Fellow UT students! We are UKA (Undergraduate Korean Association) established in Fall 2019. Undergraduate Korean Association promotes cultural diversity and inclusion through the diffusion of Korean culture and language. We ensure the preservation and growth of the Korean American community at the University of Texas at Austin by providing cultural and professional development opportunities to those with a keen interest in Korean culture. 2024-2025 Contents Line Up: Activity Groups FAMILY Social Group Monthly general meetings Housing Workshop Resume/Interview Workshop Career Development Fair and Networking Course Registration Workshop Fundraising Events Korean Guest Speakers Volunteering Graduate-Undergraduate Mentorship Social Events (Bowling Night, Retreat, K-Festival, Banquet, etc) Please reach out to us through these methods: - Facebook: @Undergraduate Korean Association - Instagram: @texasuka - Email: admin@texasuka.org - Website: www.texasuka.org - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/texasuka/mycompany/