The University Theatre Guild is the oldest student-run theatre organization at UT Austin. We do plays for all to enjoy!We put on at least two plays or a musical each semester with members participating in all aspects of production. This includes performing, directing, technical theatre, publicity, etc. We also have numerous social activities that allow our members to socialize with one another and have fun on the UT campus and around the greater Austin area. Every level of theatre experience is welcome, including newbies! UTG serves as a creative outlet for theatre lovers of all experience levels who want to surround themselves with like-minded and fun individuals. UTG is completely autonomous in its funding, management, and production.
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The University Theatre Guild meets on Wednesdays at 7pm. Feel free to stop by and check us out! Join the Facebook page: University Theatre Guild: Where Hilarity Ensues! Our UTG Discord Server is where we primarily communicate. Follow us on Instagram @TexasUTG to see more of what we do!