PNHP is a non-profit, national organization consisting of physicians and medical students advocating for a universal, comprehensive single-payer national health program. A national single-payer system is one that is funded by the government, rather than private insurers, and ensures health care to ALL people. By educating students about single-payer health care and highlighting how this system alleviates some of the devastating downfalls of our current system we hope to inspire our students to explore ways in which we can make the health care system better for our patients. We also provide opportunities for students to actively advocate for single-payer health care in New York State at local and regional events. Significant political activity has begun behind a state single-payer bill titled the NYS Health Bill. Due to our location, NYU students are in a great position to advocate for this bill and potentially affect real change on the NY state level. For too long health policy has been decided by private insurance companies, whose financial motives impinge upon our ability to provide the best treatment to patients. Through advocacy we can place more control in the hands of the physicians, the people who actually care about the health of the patient.