Social justice is to continuously fight for a progressive society. To accomplish this, we will critique our individual actions as well as the worlds. We fight for those who do not have the privilege to speak up for themselves; we aim to highlight the importance of marginalized voices and preserve their forgotten experiences or traumas. PSA’s objective is to prioritize knowledge of the past and present, so that we may empower the future through our educational and activism-focused club. Moreover, we ensure that discussions remain inclusive and that tokenism is avoided by restricting words and phrases such as “guys,” “supposed to,” etc. Discussions, forums, and disagreements are welcome and healthy throughout, but we also encourage members to listen and observe pressing topics in social justice around the world. Ultimately, this will lead us to move forward with social awareness and empathy, both critical goals for this club. The PSA club is essential to NYU because it proposes a way for this future generation to understand the importance of getting proximate to these pressing topics that are not being recognized or represented in the media. We are here to challenge NYU students to confront these traumas and change the narrative in the public eye in order to commit to an era of truth and justice.