S.W.E.A.R. (Social Workers Engaging in Anti-Racism): A White Accountability Group of Student Workers
Social Justice
S.W.E.A.R. (Social Workers Engaging in Anti-Racism): A White Accountability Group of Student Workers is a space for white-identifying students at the Silver School of Social Work to dismantle patterns of racism and injustice within themselves, with the intention of transforming their broader school, work, and personal communities. Using Layla Saad’s Me and White Supremacy book and journal as a guide, students identify, examine, and challenge the ways in which they both experience privilege from and perpetuate white supremacy. Members of this group strive to create a space that fosters openness and accountability, and commit to taking an active role in unlearning, resisting, and challenging white supremacy. This is an open group and people are welcome to join at any time.