Grad Housing is a diverse community of approximately 250 Masters and PhD candidates at NYU. We are located at private leased apartments at Washington Square Village (WSV) and Stuyvesant Town (Stuytown). Our Building Leadership Team and seven Resident Assistants strive to be a support system and important resource for the Grad Housing residential students. Throughout the year, we collaborate with many campus offices, such as the Office of Graduate Student Life at the Student Resource Center and the Office for International Scholars, to bring you social, academic, and cultural programming. Our staff members are eager to have students engage with one another and take advantage of the many opportunities found at NYU and in NYC. Both apartment complexes are located in the village. WSV is just steps from Washington Square Park and the main NYU campus, while Stuytown is near the East River. Home to students, faculty, and members of the greater NYC community, our living environments are dynamic, independent and supportive. Check out our blog to learn more!